History of OCSOHNS

Orange County Society of Head and Neck Surgery was founded by collaboration of Roger Crumley, M.D., and Victor Passy, M.D., of UC Irvine Medical Center, and Steve Pauley, M.D., Stanley Lowenberg, M.D., and Sherman Don, M.D., in private practice in 1989. The Society was created to foster collaboration and learning of Otolaryngologists in Orange County, California. It was formed as a non-for-profit organization with that purpose.
Dr. Sherman Don took over the reigns of the organization a few years layer and has been the moving force behind the organization’s growth for close to 30 years.

Until 2018, Dr. Don has shepherded the organization with its great financial health and growing membership. The new board took over the reigns of the organization with gratitude to Dr. Don for what he has created. For Dr. Don’s part, he credits the success to the collaboration with his colleagues at UC Irvine Department of Otolaryngology - Victor Passy, M.D., and Roger Crumley, M.D., Past Chairman of the Department.
